I am trying to have midgard happily exist only in a section
of a non-midgard parsed site.

www.foo.com          # no midgard
www.foo.com/banter   # no midgard here either
www.foo.com/daily    # here is the midgard

I have two virtual hosts  
one on port 80   # with a midgard and non-midgard section
one on 8101      # with midgard admin site here

I successfully have midgard existing in only a portion of the url-space
the port 80 host, the problem is that when a person goes to the midgard
part, they are prompted for a password (heartache, and confusion,

if I remove the 'require valid-user' directive from the midgard-root
the admin site also does not need a password, so i can't change

How do I have the admin site password protected, but not the midgard 
part of my site, if they both use the same midgard-root.php3 file?

here is some excerpts from mysq httpd.comf and hosts tb.

thanks for any tips/encouragment   you can give.

mysql> select * from host;
| id | name                      | root | style | info | owner | port |
online | prefix  |
|  1 | olga.dev.generalmedia.com |    1 |     1 | auth |     0 | 8101
|      1 |         |
|  2 | olga.dev.generalmedia.com |   34 |     2 |      |     1 |   80
|      1 | /daily/ |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


MidgardEngine on
MidgardRootfile /www/apache/midgard/midgard-root.php3
        # outside of web tree
<Directory /www/apache/midgard>
        require valid-user
        AuthName Midgard
        AuthType Basic
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot /www/pent
    ServerName olga.dev.generalmedia.com
    ErrorLog logs/pent.error_log
    CustomLog logs/pent.access_log common
        ServerName olga.dev.generalmedia.com
        Port 8101

michael mcnicholas
lead developer generalmedia
(212) 702-6000 ext 1518

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