Hello igor,

Friday, June 02, 2000, 2:03:03 PM, you wrote:
> Thanks a lot Emiliano...finally got the admin site working on my part, just
> needed to replace the ip number, once again I want to thank you very much for
> your help!!!
> So now I can have fun experimenting with the system (want to compare it against
> zope, but since I prefer php to python, I'm not going in with an open mind :-; )
> Could anyone please tell me when the 2.x release with php4 support will be out,
> for now I gonna stick to mod_php(4)...
We'll start work with Midgard 2.0 approx. in July. I really don't know
when  it  will  be released but would like to see beta at least at the
end  of  October. But Midgard 1.4 with PHP4 is more realistic thing --
it  could be finished in August (need to be discussed on Paris Meeting
though).  If  you  want  to  have  Midgard and PHP4 both in one Apache
server,  you  have  to compile both Midgard/PHP (3.0.16) and PHP4 with
--enable-versioning=yes   option   to  configure.  This  way  mod_php3
(Midgard) and mod_php4 will work without problems on one server.

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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