Whoa!  Ok, I see that we have to build all midgard packages in one go.

Give me a while to sort this out, and I'll get back with a script to
automate it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Guerizec [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 13 June 2000 00:35
> Subject: Re: [midgard] new 1.4b3 spec
> >
> > The cvs dir seems to be missing a makefile, a configure.in and all the
> stuff
> > needed to do a make?
> >
> > Hot do you build from the cvs dir?
> >
> When you are in the root CVS directory, do the following:
> echo /usr/local/lib >>/etc/ld.so.conf   # if needed
> ./bootstrap
> cp lib/install-sh mod/    # this file is missing in mod
> cd lib
> ./configure --with-sitegroups    # if you don't need sitegroups, drop the
> option
> make install
> ldconfig
> cd ../mod
> ./configure      # at this point, apxs is maybe broken, see [0]
> make install
> cd ../php
> ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-apache=/usr/
> --with-mysql=/usr
> / --with-midgard   # this is RH layout
> make install
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart  # or shorter: apachectl restart
> > Sam
> Regards,
> David
> [0] APXS broken on RedHat:
> Replace the line:
> my $CFG_LIBEXECDIR    = 'modules';
> by
> my $CFG_LIBEXECDIR    = '/usr/lib/apache';
> If this is the first compilation of mod_midgard and midgard-php, edit the
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, find '/usr/lib/apache/' and replace it by
> 'modules/'
> --
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