Here's something where I can at least contribute in a small way to this
group which has helped me a lot.

I am in the process of enabling Midgard for all of our resort sites (I work
for a company which runs 8 ski resorts in the US). We are using it for
dynamic content (calendar of events, press releases, etc.)

It will be going hand in hand with our normal "static" sites, so I have to
match all the styles of those as well as I can. Eventually they may all go
to Midgard however....

some examples:

Static site:

Dynamic Migard site that will supplement this (seamlessly I hope):

I've gotten through about 3 of our resorts, including Loon and Northstar
( and

One thing I have done as a work-around is to pull images from the static
sites (not via midgard) and also some PHP3 includes for code that already
existed as include files on our static sites. The only changes needed to do
that are making relative URLs into Absolute ones.

Anyway, hopefully that is useful in terms of seeing how a commercial site
can be integrated with Midgard.

-Ed Sawyer
Webmaster, Booth Creek Resorts


>...or URLs where I can see sites that are currently in development. I'm
>interested in using the software myself
>and I'd like to get some inspiration.
>   g a r y b u r k i n
>   w e b  d e v e l o p e r
>   A M A Z E ...
>   Amaze Ltd
>   Condor House
>   5-14 St Pauls Church Yard
>   London EC4V 5AN
>   Tel: +44 (0)207 213 9669
>   Direct : +44 (0)207 332 5648
>   Fax: +44 (0)207 248 4082
>   Web:

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