Hi you all. 
Because I know email is the only way to have some information in your
heads (altough most midgard developers were just few meters from me when
I wrote this), here is the information of how to get yourself a midgard

A picture of how the shirt will look with the embroidery is in

1. The easiest way is to go to
http://bergie.greywolves.org/misc/midgard-shirt/ and take the program
files there. If there is an embroidery-place near you, the program
should work. 

2. If you ar lazy, or there isn't an embroidery place near you, then I
am the person you should contact. 

2.1. First, you should put some money in the bank account of the Midgard
project (SWIFT code: MRITFIHH, account number: 147030-216757). I don't
have the exact sum of money yet, but once I'm again in Helsinki, I'll
check it and mail it here.

2.2 Then you'll mail me and tell me following things:
-full name
-size, colour, and whether you want short or long sleeves in your shirt.
All the other little details should be also included, because I can't
return the shirts.  
-how many
-where it should be posted

Here should be the main things I must know. If I remember something
afterwards, I'll inform you.


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