> Did the default location for the libmidgard.so and mod_midgard.do change?
> mod_midgard is where it's supposed to be
> (/etc/httpd/conf/modules/mod_midgard.so for me)
> but apache is complaining about
> Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/mod_midgard.so into server: libmidgard.so.3:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> In 1.2.5, libmidgard.so was in /usr/local/lib. After 1.4 b4, there is
> libmidgard.so.3 with some simlinks pointing to it. Should
> libmidgard.so.3 also be in the modules directory for Apache?

I'd expect to see libmidgard.so.3.1.0 and a symlink libmidgard.so to that.
The default location hasn't changed, and no, it shouldn't be in the apache
modules directory. If you're on linux, maybe running ldconfig will help.


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