
> Well I did the changes for PPC. This worked well and realy
> are very small.

> it seems that the problem is that while a phpinfo() shows
> that midgard is running, there are 8 httpd processes and 3
> mysql processes (1.2.5 would have one for each httpd -- but
> this may have been changes or not normal)
Find the line:

LogLevel warn

in httpd.conf and change it to:

LogLevel debug

and restart apache, and check what the error-log has to say. I would not be
surprised if it turned out that Midgard can not access the database. with
LogLevel warn, midgard is very silent about that.

> (I hope to document my adventures with ppc-midgard when its
> up and happen')

I am sure that would be very much appreciated. Please do!


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