
Have you tried the Tax Group assigned in the charge? Usually the taxes are not applied as Charge in Mifos. 

Admin --> Products --> Taxes components management 

Thanks and best regards
El 31 de marzo de 2020 a las 07:14 PM Luis Alberto Alegría de los Santos <luis.aleg...@innovar.app> escribió:

Hi all

Please, someone can help me.

We require payments including VAT with equal installments, because this is easier for clients.

  • Amount: 10,000
  • Interest Rate: 12%
  • Term: 24 months monthly payments
  • VAT: 16% of interest

Normally what we do is increase the VAT percentage to the interest rate, that is, 12% * 1.16 = 13.92%.
For later when calculating the EMI amount, break down the VAT of the interest, this on repayment schedule.

In this escenario, we calculated EMI amount: Excel  Formula : = pmt (13.92% / 12, 24, -10000) = $ 479.75

Taking period 1 as a reference within the normal payment schedule would be as follows:
* Interest: $ 116.00 - calculation: (10000 * 13.92% / 12)
* Principal: $ 363.75 - Calculation: EMI Amount - Interest ( 479.75 -116)
* EMI amount: $ 479.75

What we do in the final payment schedule  is break down VAT dividing the interest by 1.16. In period 1, divide  = 116/1.16 = 100 for interest and 16 for VAT
And it is as follows:
Repayment schedule for period 1:
#    Principal      Interest      VAT            Installment amount
1     $ 363.75     $ 100.00    $ 16.00         $479.75
2     $367.97       $ 96.36     $ 15.42          $479.75

In this scenario, there are equal installments amounts.

I created a loan here  https://demo.mifos.io/#/viewloanaccount/3648, and added a 16% interest charge( https://demo.mifos.io/#/viewcharge/552), however the repayments are different in each period.
Is there some option to achieve this?

Thank you a lot!   
LSC. Luis Alegría

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