The cost of your vendor seems way to high.

Take a look at the product.

One time investment and your done.

Rich Hatherill


From: Butch Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 2:24 PM
To: MikroTik List <>
Subject: [Mikrotik] Survey results so far 

I thought I'd post a message to address some of the expressed 
concerns regarding the online training. Some posted concerns to the 
mailing lists and those I have already replied to onlist. Because 
some of you are not on all the available mailing lists, here is the 
archive of the survey thread regarding the survey question. You can 
follow the thread here:

As for the results posted to the survey so far, there is (so far) a 
total of 8 responders. I'll make the results public once I close 
the survey.

Question 3: What concerns would you have regarding an online 
training venue vs a "live in person" training?

The need for live question and answer.
(There were 3 other responses that were similar to this one)

The webinar software offers 2 options that will address this. There 
is a live chat available where students will be able to post 
questions either to the host (that's me) or to the group. Also, in 
the webinar software, there is a button called "Raise your hand". 
This allows the host to enable your ability to address a question, 
which the whole group would hear.

Communicating with other people in the same industry but a 
different area, network

My plan at this time is to set up either a forum or mailing list 
(most likely will be a mailing list) for the class. Before the 
class starts, every attendee will be added to this list. During the 
course, it will be used as another resource for Q&A. After the 
course ends, it will be left running so that members of the class 
can continue to converse if they desire.


The meeting should work with as little as 56k connection. The 
stream will not be a very high BW requirement, but will obviously 
need to stream for the duration of the class. Class sessions will 
be between 6 and 8 hours per day of streaming material.

Live in person stuff keeps me from sleeping.

Not sure I can help with that. Perhaps I can include a morning and 
afternoon "jog in place" session. :-)

Question 5: If the cost of an online training were the same as a 
live training, which would you attend?

I think live training offers more value. The ability to interact 
and ask questions is valuable. The main draw for me for the online 
training is the possibility of lower cost since there is little to 
no cost for the venue.

Actually, the cost to me is almost double for the online training. 
The primary benefit to the online training for most attendees is no 
travel and related expenses.

I wonder if the person answering this question with this answer is 
the same one who seems to have a sleeping problem? :-)

Question 8: Please add any other comments you have regarding an 
online training. The online training I am considering is a live 
training event held in the form of a webinar. Audio will be 
delivered via a telephone and video will be within the webinar 

If the costs for the webinar are kept low I would absolutely love 
attending. I am a startup and self funded so every penny is 

This is, unfortunately, the biggest issue that most smaller startups 
experience. Perhaps we can keep the cost low enough to make sense 
for you. It is, obviously, in my own best interest to put this in 
front of as many people as I can.

I would suggest the ability to record and redistribute.

It's there already. The sessions will be recorded automatically and 
will be made available. I haven't worked out the details, but I 
think I will be making the sessions available only to the attendees 
either for no fee or for a small additional fee. I'm awaiting an 
answer from the vendor with regard to what my actual cost on this 
part of the service is.

Telephone delivered audio seams a little weird. I currently only 
have a cell phone and a lengthy webinar would seriously eat into my 
minutes. If it required me to make a long distance call (non-toll 
free) on a landline, then that could also cost additional. These two 
'features' would definitely make me *not* want to participate.

THe dialin number is toll free. I've looked at and am still 
considering using VoIP instead of telephone dialin for these 
classes. The biggest 2 problems being the lack of end to end QOS 
could cause audio problems for some folks and (even worse) the fact 
that many PC speaker systems just plain suck. (sorry for those of 
you using nice speakers...mine are horrid). :-)

I think the price is way too high for those in developing countries 
like South Africa but perhaps you'll get a better response from the 
Americans. Just for interest sake, a 5 day training course here in 
SA where there are say 15 trainees, it costs the equivalent of $375. 
This is not one on one though but you have access to the instructor 
of course. Anyway, nice idea you have.

This is an unfortunate side-effect of living in a world wide 
economy. The vendor I'm gonna be using makes it so that my cost is 
higher than $375 per user.

It has to be low cost to make any sense. Traing mor people at a 
lower cost rather than a few at top $$.

Class sizes are going to be very limited. Less than 15 in fact. So 
it will be less people for sure. Costs are higher for online than 
live, so prices can't move too much.

I will be announcing (formally) a class in the very near future. 
Please voice any concerns you have either here or, if you haven't 
already answered the survey, do it there. I am listening to your 
input. Thanks for reading this very long message.

*Butch Evans *Professional Network Consultation *
*Network Engineering *MikroTik RouterOS *
*573-276-2879 *ImageStream *
* *StarOS and MORE *
* *Wired or wireless Networks *
*Mikrotik Certified Consultant *Professional Technical Trainer *
Mikrotik mailing list

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