Riddle me this: Let's say I've got a 4 port Mikrotik RouterOS device.... ports e1, e2, e3 and e4 --- I have incoming tagged and untagged traffic on port e1 (VLAN 1 untagged, VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 tagged) - I want to bridge ethernet-level traffic such that on port e2, VLAN 2 traffic goes out untagged (and inbound untagged traffic goes to VLAN 2) and there is NO tagged traffic - on port e3, VLAN 3 traffic is untagged in and out (no tagged traffic at all) - and finally, port e4 does VLAN 1 traffic in/out untagged, no other traffic -- CAN this be done?

Basically e2, e3, and e4 are single-vlan only untagged ports on VLANs 2, 3, and 1 respectively, while e1 is a trunk with VLANs 2 & 3 tagged, but VLAN 1 untagged

Anyone done anything like this? The challenge is that we need to do this bridged, not routed - kinda like using a switch.

Randy Cosby
Vice President
InfoWest, Inc

work: 435-773-6071
email: rco...@infowest.com


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