On Thu, 2009-04-09 at 10:25 -0500, Butch Evans wrote:
> Keith said:
> Basically, are the MT"s smart enough to balance the load between them
> effciently?

Keith, I'm not sure what you mean by "balance the load".  There is a
little bit of overhead for each virtual AP.  The AP will be sending out
beacons for both the physical AP AND the virtual AP.  

> Or if I have a VirtualAP, does it carve a chunk of usable Wireless space
> out, so that the main AP can't use it?

There will be packet traffic in the interface queues for both the
physical AP and the virtual AP.  I'm not sure how this is handled at a
"low level".  That is something that is handled by the Atheros driver

> I'm transitioning clients over, and some of the AP's have 50+ clients..
> thus maxing the card.  If I add the VAp to help move them, does it make
> those 50+ get worse signal right out of the gate?

SHouldn't be worse signal, however you will see a little more overhead.
The process of creating a virtual AP, transition clients, build a new
physical AP is my "recommended path", however.

* Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
* http://www.butchevans.com/    * Network Engineering              *
* http://www.wispa.org/         * WISPA Board Member               *
* http://blog.butchevans.com/   * Wired or Wireless Networks       *

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