A good portion of the 90 AP's are 2wire routers...thanks ATT. The others are competing wisps to my south and east, some of my own sectors around my network, a muni mesh system in the town core a few miles away, and other home routers. Most of it, I can identify and I'm pretty sure the rural setting where this tower is located, the height of the tower, and the distance of the tower to the nearest homes would prevent laptops from associating with it. I'm not seeing any rouge associations...just lots of AP's in the scan. It still seems like something is pulsing the noise though.

Josh Luthman wrote:
Good point.  You can also disable the SSID broadcast.  You will have to
remember how it is spelled for customer installs or just template it in the

Maybe the people with their 90 APs each have a laptop (that's 90 laptops)
that poll your AP when people click "refresh available networks"?

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

"When you have eliminated the impossible, that which remains, however
improbable, must be the truth."
--- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Michael Baird <m...@tc3net.com> wrote:

I've noticed Tranzeo's w/4.0.2 mass associating to my AP's periodically,
the Ubiquities on the same AP do not. We took this network over from another
provider. I starting logging heavily and noticed stray radios associating to
the AP when this happened, I added a mac acl list to only allow known mac's,
and this resolved the issue. The Tranzeo's seem subject to some sort of
traffic that knocks them off, this could be the cause of your issue also.

Michael Baird

  What Firmware are you running on the Tranzeo CPE and the Mtik APs/CPE?
If you are running 4.0.2 on the Tranzeo rigs, can you do a configuration
file dump to the list?


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 12:10 PM, ccrum <cc...@dot11net.com> wrote:

OK, I'm really stumped. I've got 1 sector on a three sectored site that
misbehaving very badly. It originally had a 532A with an 8602 plus
11-B, with a 20 ft LMR-400 cable and 18.5 dBi v-pol antenna. Clients are
either Tranzeo CPE-200-15s or MT 133c or MT 411 (all MT's have 8602 plus
radios and 12 dBi antenna's) depending on how recently they were
For the last month I've been getting a lot of speed complaint issues.
messing with my frequency plan for a week or so I got no improvement so I
decided to replace the whole rig. I put up a 433 running v3.27 with an
a 3ft LMR 400 jumper, and fed the same antenna. As expected all my signal
strengths jumped up as the XR2 has a better receiver and more powerful
transmitter. Signals from my clients range from -49 to  -71. Customer
distances range from .2 miles to about 2 miles out. Receive signals at
client ends are even hotter. I've reduced my TX output to 22 dBm, and cut
back the TX power on the clients who are close in to as little as
Symptoms are the following:

Some clients have no issues or at least we have not heard from them. A
clients who work from home have trouble maintaining their VPN tunnels or
remote desktop sessions. Watching pings to ANY client radio shows a lot
jitter (some pings are 2ms and some are high 700ms) and even periods of
10-20 ping timeouts from time to time. During these "timeout" periods,
is virtually no traffic coming from anyone, so I'm assuming whatever is
causing the problem is affecting all the clients. During the "timeout"
periods, no radios disassociate and signals do not fluctuate. When pings
fairly low to client radios, I can see lots of traffic coming across the
link. This has occurred on every channel I've tried and I've tried all
available channels. It's almost as if someone is pulsing a broadband
generator and just killing my sector, but I'm not seeing it on either of
other two sectors. They are mounted on three legs of a Rohn 45 at 150
so they are fairly close together, but it hasn't been an issue for the
5 years. Speeds are not consistent most likely due to the high jitter and
timeout periods.

Here is what I have tried to date:

Multiple frequency changes
result - on some channels only the MT's will register. After about 3-4
minutes the Tranzeos will come back. Interestingly enough, even when the
Tranzeo radios are not in the wireless registration table, I can still
their ip's using the IP Scan tool.  A scan of the spectrum reveals about
(that is right a 9 followed by a 0) AP's spread across all channels with
least 1 AP in each channel in the -70's range. Increasing the disconnect
time helps the tranzeos reassociate a little faster after changing
but they still lag the MT clients by about 20-30 seconds.

Power adjustments
Turning the power up or down on the XR2 seems to have little effect. The
same is true whether the client radios are blasting full power or have
turned down.

Equipment Changeout as described above - no different results.

Has anyone seen this issue? Anyone have any suggestions other than what
I've tried to date? We are considering changing the sector to H-pol, but
that is a last resort. Any other suggestions would be helpful.



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