Hey everyone,

Using an RB750 as a router / vpn device for one of my clients. Port 1 is the DHCP internet feed. Port 2 is assigned and is directly connected to a wireless link that feeds the client's business. Port 3 is another network that is private for the client's home. Traffic is filtered between the networks so that they can't communicate. VPN clients talk to the 192.168.1.x network.

Originally there was a proxim MP11 link in place - that link failed and we replaced it with a Nanostation link. From the far end (the non-RB end) I am able to ping as far as the AP on the client's house where the internet is, however on the close end, I am not able to even ping the nanostation directly connected to the RB port. I can connect the cable directly to the laptop and access the Ubnt unit, but for whatever reason I can not get to the unit when it's connected to the RB and it will not pass any traffic through the ethernet interface. Pings result in "timed out" or "destination host unreachable". I had thought maybe it was an ARP issue, but both a soft and hard reboot later and it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Any ideas on why I can not get the RB750 and Nanostation to talk through the ethernet cable and pass traffic like expected?

Thanks in advance!
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