Ok, i f*up'd the name of the device.  I meant to write Netequalizer, not

---- ---- ---- ----
Chris Gotstein, Network Engineer, U.P. Logon/Computer Connection U.P.
http://uplogon.com | +1 906 774 4847 | ch...@uplogon.com

On 10/5/2010 2:18 PM, Chris Gotstein wrote:
> Ran into a very strange problem between a Mikrotik router doing NAT and
> our Netspective bandwidth shaper.  About a year ago i ran into this
> problem with a client and chalked it up to something funky and just
> removed the rule from the netspective box.  Today, i installed another
> MT box and saw the same problem.  What happens is when there is a hard
> limit set on the public ip that the MT box has, any decent size
> downloads will fail and strange timeouts start to occur.  If i remove
> the rule from the netspective, the problem goes away, but then the
> client is set to wide open bandwidth.   I know i can do simple queues on
> the MT to get around this, but i'd rather do all my shaping on the
> netspective box.  Anyone else run into this issue or something similar?
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