I am sending this here in case you are not on the WISPA lists.  You can
make your purchase for the webinar here at Butch's webstore here
http://store.wispgear.net/ (you'll see it on the front page). 

Butch Evans and Scott Reed will be presenting a webinar called "IPV6
Transition Strategies" on May 3rd, 2011 at 1pm CST.  Attendance is $5
for WISPA members and $7.50 for non-members.  All proceeds will be
donated to WISPA to help us in our work for WISPs.

The webinar will cover the various technologies available for network
operators who are adding IPv6 to their networks.  One of the biggest
hurdles in this transition is making IPv6 available to all customers
before all equipment manufacturers have their gear ready.  There ARE
solutions available TODAY!  Join us for this 1-1.5 hour webinar to
        * What to do when only part of my network supports IPv6?
        * How do I handle customer networks behind a NAT?
        * Do I need to transition all customers at once?
        * What gear is available today that supports native IPv6?

We will discuss all of the above and MORE!

This webinar will only take a small part of your afternoon, but it could
help you prepare for the difficulties that are sure to come as you
transition to IPv6.  We will discuss various technologies and why they
are important to you.  You don't want to miss this!

If you feel that you need even more in-depth training on the subject of
IPv6 deployments, join us on May 3rd, 2011 for the webinar and be sure
to register for the FULL 3 day training course offered by Butch and
Scott coming in June.  If you register for the training prior to the
webinar, Butch and Scott will pay for your webinar attendance.  The full
training is just $1199, but is currently available as an "Early Bird
Registration" for $999/seat.  See more details on this class, titled
"IPV6 Transition Strategies for ISP and other networks", at
http://store.wispgear.net/ or call Butch at 702-537-0979 or Scott at

* Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
* http://www.butchevans.com/    * Network Engineering              *
* http://store.wispgear.net/    * Wired or Wireless Networks       *
* http://blog.butchevans.com/   * ImageStream, Mikrotik and MORE!  *
*            NOTE MY NEW NUMBER:  702-537-0979                     *    

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