Xirrus can because they have multiple radios per "AP".

Xirrus and Ruckus are the ones with the recognition for big projects. Once 
they're done with the FedEx Center (or whatever its called), UBNT will have 
UniFi there too. They'll have to make it work because Robert is putting all 
UBNT in that facility.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Ruiz Ibersystems" <martinr...@ibersystems.es>
To: "Mark Felder" <f...@feld.me>
Cc: "Mikrotik discussions" <mikrotik@mail.butchevans.com>
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2013 4:39:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Mikrotik] WiFi in big events

Are you sure Xirrus can offer this?

What is your experience with Xirrus? I don't know what to think about a
brand that is diferent what day say in datasheet specs and in equipment
specs in the same paper.. look for it : P! Its impossible to have 1 AP with
1200 people connected in it.. : /

I want to try to compare.. but.. I dont know ..

 * Martín Ruiz*
* *
 *Ibersystems Solutions, SL*
* *
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2013/4/8 Mark Felder <f...@feld.me>

> I don't see Mikrotik offering anything in this arena for quite some time.
> You probably want something along the lines of what Xirrus can offer.
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