What are you using for dual chain 2.4GHz cards in MT boards?

We are currently using XR2 for our APs, but want to move to dual-polarity. We have some R52n-M cards out, but the XR2s hear better and have higher transmit power. I am really looking for the receive sensitivity, but I like higher power cards because the signal seems to be cleaner on almost all cards the more the transmit power is decreased. So an XR2 at 24dB seems cleaner than an R52n-M at 24dB. I don't have testing to prove, but we almost always get better performance if the card is not running at maximum power.

Scott Reed
NewWays Networking, LLC
Wireless Networking
Network Design, Installation and Administration

Mikrotik Advanced Certified
(765) 855-1060
(765) 439-4253
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