This is for 2U:

* Martín Ruiz*

 *Ibersystems Solutions, SL*

Dpto. Redes Inalámbricas

Tel.  902 909 858 / 93 184 52 13 / 669 37 95 21

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2014-12-13 17:28 GMT+01:00 Mike Hammett <>:

> Do you have any recommendations on wall mounting an RB1100AHx2? I thought
> about just rotating the rack mounting tabs, but of course the holes aren't
> spaced right for that.
> Not sure there's time to get one of those fancy wall mount rackmount deals.
> Flush against the wall is fine, was just hoping for something a bit more
> elegant than screwing some big zip ties to the wall. ;-)
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
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