
On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 04:56:03PM +0000, Justin Marshall wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an odd situation with OSPF.

Probably not OSPF related.  Can't rule it out but not likely unless
there is more information you haven't provided.
> There are 2 towers (Tower A and Tower B) and a NOC involved that feeds both 
> towers.
> Tower A is directly connected to the NOC via Mikrotik Backhaul.  
> Tower B is directly connected to the NOC via Fiber.
> Tower B is connected to Tower A via Fiber.
> When tower A is running straight off the NOC (via Mikrotik Backhaul)
> everything works as it should.
> We are trying to make a switchover to have Tower A run off Tower B so
> it will be a Fiber connection all the way to Tower A (through tower B)
> and eliminate the Mikrotik Backhaul.
> When I change cost on the OSPF interfaces to make this happen, all
> customers work as they should and following the normal path to/from
> the Internet as expected.  However, for one of the customers on Tower
> A, traceroutes to that one customer stop at Tower A (through tower B)
> from the NOC.  Traceroutes towards the NOC, from the customer stops at
> Tower B.
> All customers are on the same subnet.

What's the subnet?  X.Y.Z.0/24 or X.Y.Z.J/27? 

Is this customer's IP in the middle or toward the edges of the subnet.
What's the IP?  X.Y.Z.13?

> I can directly ping the customer in question from both Tower B and
> Tower A (and the traffic is taking the correct path), but not from the
> NOC.  From the NOC all traffic stops at Tower B.
> Tried all kinds of things and we are quite stumped.

I would look for mismatched subnet masks.  

Or, firewall entries specific to that IP on Tower B.  

Or even, a static route on tower B sending the traffic for that IP to
the NOC or some other location.

You might show use the output of 

   /ip route print where dst-address in X.Y.Z.0/24

for each router from the NOC to the customer.

Munge the first two or three octets if it makes you feel better.  Just
don't munge anything that is within the subnet mask.

Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix SysAdmin
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