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From: Bill Vermillion ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Message 3 in thread
Subject: Re: freeBSD 3.3 freeze after reboot why?
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Date: 1999/11/14

In article <78xT3.9495$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
J. Kajetan Mroczek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have installed freeBSD 3.3 Release on my old P90 system and have
>some problems with reboot: After "shutdown -r now" or "reboot"
>system starts reboot procedure displaying the proper message. Then
>it freeze having HDD LED "on" and doesn't reboot. It is impossible
>to make a reboot without pushing reset swith. If you have any ideas
>please help.

I had almost the same problem a couple of years ago on a P90 board. A
physical reset was required.  Sometimes a power-off was required. This
occured on different OSes on the same machine.  I was running Unixware,
SCO Unix, Win 3.1, and NeXTStep on the machine at that time using
swappable drives. Upgrading the BIOS (this board had flash PROMS) cured
all the problems.


On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, .::Kurnia_1::. wrote:

#Hello milis-balung,
#  eh..maap ya..ini mo nanya freeBSD gak pa-pa kan..
#  kan masih sodara sama-sama open source
#  Hardwareku : HP Netserver LC3
#  kalo dari CD installernya & manual sih cuman bisa
#  diinstall SCO, NT atau Novel saja..terus tak coba
#  pake FreBSD..semua oke...
#  masalahnya kalo tak kasih command :
#  # reboot
#  kompie-nya nggak mau reboot ulang..cuman shutdown saja..
#  piye kiie..

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