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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: [milis-komputeraktif] tanya sharing printer di RH 9 {03}

What is Samba?


Samba is an open source software package that mimics a Windows server. Its purpose is to offer an alternative to expensive, unstable Windows servers. Samba can replicate nearly all of Windows server functionality. It appears in the Network Neighborhood like any other Windows machine and functions in the same way. In fact, some servers on your network right now could be running Samba instead of Windows and no one would ever notice.

Why Use Samba?


There are many reasons to use Samba. Here are just a few:

  • It is free! NO LICENSING COSTS!
  • It outperforms Microsoft Windows 2000 Server! Documentation of this can be found at in an article entitled "Server Throughput and Response Times".

  • It is reliable. Samba servers have been known to have uptimes of months and then only malfunctioned due to hardware failure.

  • It is relatively easy to administer yet very customizable. Samba can be set up to function as anything from a simple print server to a complex Windows Domain Controller.

  • It is secure. There are no security holes known to exist in the current release of Samba.

  • It is available for many platforms. IRIX, Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, SCO UnixWare, and BSD are just some examples. Chances are most departments will already have a machine that can run Samba.

  • It seamlessly integrates into existing networks. Since Windows cannot distinguish between a Samba server and a Windows server, compatibility problems arise only under the rarest circumstances.

Where Can I Get Samba?


Samba ships with most Linux distributions, some commercial Unix platforms and is available for almost any operating system from Remember that the most current version is 2.2.2.

Is Samba On My Machine Now?


There is a very good chance that it is, especially if the machine in question is running Linux. To check to see is Samba is already on the machine execute the following command:

find / -name samba - print

This will search the entire hard disk for Samba and print the results out to the screen. If Samba is on the machine already, check now to see if it is running. To do this execute the following command on Linux:

ps aux | grep smbd

Or the following command on other Unix systems

ps -ef | grep smbd

If either of these commands returns a string that resembles

root 9798 0.0 0.4 2388 1104 ? S Oct30 0:00 nmbd -D

Then Samba is running already. It may need some special configuration to show up on the network, however. That is covered later in this article.

If Samba is there on the machine but not running, find the executables for smbd and nmbd (these are the processes that actually allow Samba to function). You can find the executables with the command:

find / -name smbd -print


find / -name nmbd -print

These commands will return a result that looks similar to this


To start Samba execute the following commands as root:

/usr/sbin/smbd -D

/usr/sbin/nmbd -D

Of course these commands may need to be altered a bit to reflect the locations of the executables on your machine.

If Samba isn't on your machine already, read the section below, Installing Samba.

If Samba is installed on your machine test whether or not you have a fairly current version. To do this, execute the following command as root:

/usr/sbin/smbd -V

Of course the might need to be modified to reflect the location of the smbd executable on your system.

Installing Samba


The easiest way to do this is via a pre-assembled package for your system. For Linux these are RPMs for IRIX they are called tardists. Regardless of what operating system you are using, make sure to get the appropriate package. The RPM for RedHat 7.1 will most likely not work on Slackware 8, for example. When using IRIX, make sure to get the package that matches your operating system version.

Installing On Linux

Once you have downloaded the appropriate package, install it. This is accomplished on a Linux machine in the following way.

Rpm -Ivh <nameOfPackage>

Installing On IRIX

To install Samba on an IRIX machine, as root, from the desktop choose System then Software Manager. When the Software Manager opens up, choose File, then Open Distribution. Now navigate to the location of the Samba tardist and choose "Open". From here the process is fairly straightforward. Just follow the prompts to install the software.

Installing From Source On Linux and Other Operating Systems

If your version of Linux doesn't support RPMs or there are none available or you are installing Samba on platforms for which there are no pre-assembled packages, you will have to install Samba from source. This really isn't as complicated as it sounds but does require a few more steps than the ways listed above. The full process of installing Samba from source is outside the scope of this article but the basic steps go something like this:

  1. Download the source file. They are normally named something like samba-2.2.2.tar.gz
  2. Unpack the archive with the command tar xfvz <nameOfPackage>

  3. Change into the newly created directory. For example, if Samba version 2.2.2 was downloaded and unpacked, the new directory would be Samba-2.2.2.

  4. Configure the Samba installation with the command ./configure -with smbmount

  5. Compile the code with the command make

  6. Finish with the command make install

Finishing the Install Process

Depending on the method you chose to install Samba, some finishing touches may need to be applied to make the whole thing work. They include ensuring that a firewall or machine level security will not hamper Samba's operation, making sure the Samba service starts when the machine is booted, modifying /etc/services to account for the newly installed Samba services, and enabling SWAT, the graphical Samba configuration tool.

Modifying /etc/services


This step can be skipped on IRIX and some other operating systems. On Linux, simply make sure that the file /etc/services has these lines:

netbios-ns 137/tcp

netbios-ns 137/udp

netbios-dgm 138/tcp

netbios-dgm 138/udp

netbios-ssn 139/tcp

netbios-ssn 139/udp

If these lines are not included in /etc/services, Samba will not function properly. Note that you should not just add these lines to /etc/services since they might already be there. Just make sure the lines are there and if they aren't, add them.

Firewalls and Security


To operate, Samba needs to be able to accept connections on ports 137 and 139. In the latest versions of RedHat, a firewall is installed that will, by default, block access to these ports. The file that controls this on these RedHat machines in /etc/sysconfig/ipchains. The following is an example of what this file should look like if it is to allow incoming Samba connections:


# Firewall configuration written by lokkit

# Manual customization of this file is not recommended.

# Note: ifup-post will punch the current nameservers through the

# firewall; such entries will *not* be listed here.

:input ACCEPT

:forward ACCEPT

:output ACCEPT

-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 80 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT

-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 22 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT

-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 137 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT

-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 139 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT

-A input -s 0/0 67:68 -d 0/0 67:68 -p udp -i eth0 -j ACCEPT

-A input -s 0/0 67:68 -d 0/0 67:68 -p udp -i eth1 -j ACCEPT

-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -i lo -j ACCEPT

-A input -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 0:1023 -y -j REJECT

-A input -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 2049 -y -j REJECT

-A input -p udp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 0:1023 -j REJECT

-A input -p udp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 2049 -j REJECT

-A input -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 6000:6009 -y -j REJECT

-A input -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 7100 -y -j REJECT

On IRIX, the firewall is a non-issue since there most likely isn't one running on the machine.

Starting Samba When the Machine Boots


On Linux, Samba should be started via one of the startup scripts. Examples of these are:




Edit these scripts to contain the lines below:

/usr/sbin/smbd -D

/usr/sbin/nmbd -D

Alternatively, if you are using RedHat 7.1 or later, you can use the utility, setup, to tell Samba to start automatically. To do this, execute the command setup. Then choose "System Services", then check the box next to "smb".

If you don't want Samba to start every time the machine boots, you can start it whenever you want to by simply executing these commands:

/usr/sbin/smbd -D

/usr/sbin/nmbd -D

On IRIX, this is not an issue normally as the process of installing Samba took care of it by itself. If it didn't, however, change to the directory /etc/rc2.d and execute the following command:

ln -s S81samba /etc/init.d/samba

Enabling SWAT


To enable SWAT, the graphical configuration utility for Samba, the process is the same on both IRIX and most versions of Linux except RedHat 7.0 and greater. On IRIX and Linux versions other than RedHat 7.0 and greater, simply add the following line to /etc/inetd.conf

swat stream tcp nowait root /usr/samba/bin/swat swat

On RedHat 7.0 and greater, you must edit the file /etc/xinet.d/swat to look like the example below:

service swat


port = 901

socket_type = stream

wait = no


user = root

server = /usr/sbin/swat

log_on_failure += USERID

disable = no


Configuring Samba


There are two basic ways to configure Samba. You can either use SWAT or hand edit smb.conf.

Using SWAT

This process is the same on both Linux and IRIX. SWAT is the preferred way to configure Samba. It is also very easy to use. Simply open your favorite web browser and go to SWAT will now ask for the username and password. Give it the root username and password.

Editing smb.conf

Logically, the first step to editing smb.conf is finding it. There are several standard locations for smb.conf depending on what operating system you are using. Some examples are given below.






Alternatively, if you can't find smb.conf, use the following command to locate it.

find / -name smb.conf -print

After find smb.conf, open it in your favorite text editor. An example of a very basic smb.conf is given below. The text after the "#" sign is for instructional purposes only. Do not include it in your smb.conf file.

[global]                                    #The [global] section sets up parameters that affect the Samba server as a whole.

workgroup = MCSR             #This sets the workgroup of which Samba is to be a member

server string = Linux            #This line shows up as a comment in the network neighborhood

security = user                      #This is the security mode Samba will operate in. This requires that #users supply a username and password. There are other security level as   #well including share, domain, and server

encrypt passwords = yes    #This line is HIGHLY recommended if Windows 2000 clients are expected to access the Samba machine.

[stuff]                                      #This is the name of the share. It will appear in the network neighborhood.

path = /tmp                             #The path to the share on the local machine.

[printers]                                   #This is the easiest way to set up a print server. This will detect all the printers #that the machine is configured to work with and share them.

public = yes                              #This means that anyone can access this share

printable = yes                         #This actually makes this share printable, which it must be since it's a printer #share

Of course this is a very basic smb.conf. There are many, many options available for use. In fact, the manpage for smb.conf is the second longest manpage available to Linux at over 7000 lines and 35,970 words.

Adding Users to the Samba Machine


If someone needs to access a share on your Samba server, they must be both a valid user of the system and a valid Samba user.

Adding Users to a Linux System

To add users to a Linux system, use the following command:

adduser <username>

For example, to add user joe to the system, execute the command

adduser joe

After adding the user, specify a password for them with the command

passwd <username>

For example to change joe's password execute

passwd joe

Adding Users to an IRIX System

To add a user to an IRIX system, use the "System Manager" that is located in the menu on the desktop.

Adding Samba Users

To add users to the Samba users list, execute the command

smbpasswd -a <username>

For example, to add joe, execute the following

smbpasswd -a joe

Wrapping It All Up


This concludes the introduction to Samba. If there is interest, The MCSR will produce another article covering Samba configuration in more depth. In the meantime, you can email the main author of this article at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information or general Samba setup help.

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 2:53 PM
Subject: [milis-komputeraktif] tanya sharing printer di RH 9 {02}

To share a linux printer with Windows machines, you need to make certain that your printer is set up to work under linux. If you can print from linux, setting up an SMB ( samba ) share of the printer is stright forward.


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