Selamat Pagi Bapak-2 Saya mengalami maslah dengan Windows Media Player. Mengapa tiap saya buka file dengan exstensen avi ( Windows Video File ) yang tampil hanya suaranya saja, ngga ada gambar yang muncul,,? Ada apa ya Pak,,? Apa salah setting ,,sepertinya sudah saya setting untuk bisa buka file dengan exts avi ,,tapi tetap saja ngga muncul gambar,,hanya suara saja,,
bung Albert/ Mas siBass dan bapak-2 yang lain..saya menanti pencerahannya Terimakasih Agus S DISCLAIMER: This e-mail is confidential for COSCO Container Lines Co., Ltd. (COSCON) and may also be privileged. Any unauthorized use, copying, or dissemination of it and any attachments to it, is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please delete it immediately, unread and notify the sender as soon as possible. COSCON does not warrant this email is virus-free and is not liable for any losses or responsibilities arising from any virus being transmitted by this email. Internet communications are not secure and COSCON does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Mailing List KomputerAktif Arsip ------------------------------------------------ untuk berlangganan kirim mail kosong ke : [EMAIL PROTECTED] untuk berhenti berlangganan kirim mail kosong ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]