Walter Mangold Trust Fund for Indonesian Students

Deadline: 15 June 2007

The Walter Mangold Trust Fund ("the Trust") has been established to
implement the belief of the late Walter Mangold, that better
understanding between peoples, and consequently lessening of conflict,
can be achieved by improving communication between them.  He
considered that the study of languages, and as a consequence the
culture associated with each language, is one way to attain those

One of the objects of the Trust is the provision of scholarships for
overseas students who apply to come to Australia to advance their
knowledge of English, and to gain an understanding of one or more
areas of Australian culture.


In 2007 the Trust will have funds available to fund a small number of
grants to further this object.

In 2007 the Trust will be giving priority to applicants from
Indonesia, Vietnam and China and from South American countries where
Spanish is the common language.

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