---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 2000 23:26:35 +0700
From: Sucipto Mulyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Job Offering: Internet Programmer

Dear I Made Wiryana,

We are a new internet company, based in Jakarta, is developing an Asian
Portal (Asian search engine, web directory, news collector, finance &
lifestyle). We are actively looking for a few dedicated people who have
the following skills:

-Strong Background in C/C++ (preferably Unix Based)

A plus if capable of :
-PERL/CGI Programming
-Unix/Linux OS
-A database (such as MySql or other ...)

For the selected candidates, there will be a basic salary, project's
bonus, health insurance & stock's option (shares of the company, if he is
proven to be valuable to the company). If you are interested in the job,
please email us your full resume and state the salary seek.

Sucipto Mulyo
Your Light to Asian Cyberspace

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