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Graduates drive Linux
Tuesday 14 March 2000 

A READY availability of graduates with Linux skills is driving the next
wave of open-source adoption in business, a visiting IBM executive said
last week.

Daniel Frye, 42, the IBM program director for Linux, said the global
skills shortage was driving corporations to consider open source over
proprietary solutions to keep ahead of competitors. He said companies that
"use IT as a weapon" were at the head of the charge to open-source
standards but even more conservative organisations were looking at the
upstart contenders.

"Everyone's coming out of college these days with Linux experience," Frye
said. "You don't get system administrators with 15 years' experience, but
it's coming.

"I haven't seen a resume in a year that doesn't have Linux experience on

"We talked to a CIO (chief information officer) of one of the top 20
websites in the world and he said he was considering moving to Linux
because he couldn't get enough people with skills for his current
proprietary OS."

Frye, who came to Sydney last week from the US for a Linux conference,
said professional certification schemes started last year would mature in
the next year, providing more trained professionals. He said university
trainers in the US now required their students to hunt down open-source
code and implement solutions based on the resultant open standards.

The 12-year IBM veteran moved from the group handling the enterprise
RS/6000 clustered AIX supercomputer to the emerging systems group, where
he fell in love with open source. He moved on to author much of IBM's open
source strategy and evangelise its use within the IT giant and to
customers and partners, he said.

Frye said IBM quickly got over the culture shock that arose from letting
go of some control when it became evident there was money in the code. IBM
provides Linux for several of its server hardware platforms and also
consults and offers services. The company has ditched its own proprietary
technology, such as its web server, in favor of open-source standards such
as Apache, with its 60 per cent of the market.
Despite its overtures to the open-source community, Frye said IBM was yet
to earn its stripes. Building credibility with the community was essential
to success, he said.

"We haven't been in the community long enough to say we're an evangelist
(for Linux) overall. The community is the central focus."

IBM would work with partners such as SGI to develop higher availability
services and future open-source platforms, he said. It was working to
provide journalling file systems, performance utilities and logical volume
managers. Journalling was considered important to the future adoption of
Linux in enterprise arenas as it enabled, for example, rapid recovery from
hard drive crashes.

Although Linux was not yet enterprise-server ready, Frye said it would
catch up and pass proprietary systems in 12 to 24 months. But the desktop
would take a little longer as it developed "a robust set of applications
under it".  This could change as dot-coms deployed new services filling
the void, possibly through applications services provision.

He said the impression many outside the community had of "hackers flinging
code about" was wrong.

"Open source is either bad code or very disciplined; it is very

He said security through obscurity, hiding security measures by not
publishing source code, was dead. Instead, an open model of peer review
was the only viable solution in an e-commerce world.

"Open source provides a higher security than proprietary software," Frye

"For IBM, Linux is good business. It's not about being cool. We intend to
make money. It's good for our customers in supplying them with choices.

It's a very straightforward vision."

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