On Thursday, saying
                  "ILOVEYOU" was especially hard to do.
                  A self-propagating computer worm has
                  infected government and business
                  computers in Asia, Europe and the
                  United States.

                  The virus was first reported in Hong Kong, spreading
through Microsoft Outlook
                  e-mail systems and through a popular Internet Relay
Chat program.

                  Two anti-virus companies, Symantec, which makes Norton
Anti-Virus, and
                  F-Secure, have posted "virus definition" files for the
"ILOVEYOU" virus. Those
                  files have so-called "fingerprints" for the virus,
allowing those programs to detect
                  and eliminate it.

                  The virus is "widespread" at the U.S. Senate
                  computer system, according to Elizabeth
                  McAlhany of the Senate Sergeant At Arms office.
                  Every Senate office has been paged, alerted them
                  to the virus. The Senate's internal e-mail system
                  was shut down.

                  Effects are minimal at the House of
                  Representatives, although "hundreds of thousands"
                  of copies of the virus were deleted, according to
                  the Committee on House Administration which is
                  overseeing the defense efforts.

                  "By all looks, it doesn't appear to be too bad,"
                  Jason Poblete, a spokesman for the committee told
                  CNN. "No one knew it was coming. But we won't
                  know about permanent technical damage until it's
over," he said. The House
                  e-mail system is still operating, Poblete said.

                  Britain's House of Commons was also hobbled by the

                  "I have to tell you that, sadly, this affectionate
greeting contains a virus which
                  has immobilized the House's internal communication
system", said House leader
                  Margaret Beckett.

                  In Hong Kong the virus appeared late in the afternoon,
and is reported to have hit
                  public relations firms and investment firms
particularly hard. Dow Jones
                  Newswires and the Asian Wall Street Journal were among
the victims.

                  In Europe, the virus reached European parliaments, big
companies and financial
                  traders early Thursday.

                  Officials at the Norwegian anti-virus company Norman
said they first heard of
                  the virus around 10 p.m. CET.

                  "The virus first showed up on my desk one hour ago",
virus analyst Snorre
                  Fagerland at Norman told CNN Norway. "Usually we get a
few days notice until
                  the virus reaches us, thus this virus seems to be very

                  In Denmark, the TV2 channel, the telecom company Tele
Danmark and the
                  Danish parliament were all victims.

                  Security experts at F-Secure have analyzed the virus
thoroughly. Users usually
                  get an e-mail, sometimes from someone they know,
asking them to check the
                  attached "Love Letter." That file is a VisualBasic
script, which contains the virus
                  payload. As long as the user deletes the e-mail
without opening the attachment,
                  their computer is safe from harm. Once a computer is
infected, the virus
                  transmit itself through e-mail using Outlook's address

                  "What makes this virus so much more aggressive than
Melissa is that this virus
                  sends copies to all the addresses, whilst Melissa only
sent copies to the first 50
                  addresses," Fagerland said.

                  The virus can also travel through the Internet Relay
Chat client mIRC, according
                  to F-Secure, which has analyzed the malicious code.

                  Unlike the "Melissa" virus, which traveled in a
similar fashion, "ILOVEYOU" is
                  more destructive. First, it copies itself to two
critical system directories and adds
                  triggers in the Windows registry. This ensures that
it's running every time the
                  computer reboots.

                  The virus then starts affecting data files. Files
associated with Web development,
                  including ".js" and ".css" files, will be overwritten
with a file in the VisualBasic
                  programming language. The original file is deleted. It
also goes after multimedia
                  files, affecting JPEGs and MP3s. Again, it deletes the
original file and overwrites
                  it with a VisualBasic file with a similar name.

                  The beginning of the virus code indicates a possible
origin. In comments, the
                  virus is signed by "spyder," and contains an anonymous
e-mail address and a
                  company name. It is also signed "Manila, Philippines,"
and with the comment, "i
                  hate go to school."

                  Taking a lighter view of the virus, British Commons
leader Beckett said she did
                  not know whether to be "sorry or pleased that as far
as I'm aware, I have not
                  received an e-mail saying 'I love you.'"

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