I just ran the updated clamscan on my /var/spool/mail
directory, and came up with several dozen mailboxes that are infected.
Anyone know of a command-line tool I could use that would properly
lock said spools, scan each message within, delete those with viruses,
and then rebuild the spools in standard mbox format? I can probably
write such a thing, but it seems such an obvious Perl hack that I'm
thinking someone *must* have done it already and I hate reinventing
wheels (maybe because mine never seem to be quite round... :-)

Ole Craig * UNIX, linux, SMTP-ninja; news, web; SGI martyr * CS Computing
Facility, UMass * <www.cs.umass.edu/~olc/pgppubkey.txt> for public key
[...] Oh, shed thy mercy and thy grace / On those who venture into space.
                        (R. A. Heinlein)
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