I am doing this, in a roundabout way.

I have no anti-virus on the sendmail server.  The sendmail server sends all
mail to the anti-virus server, which then sends all mail to the Exchange

Internet --> Sendmail/MIMEDefang --> Norton Antivirus --> Exchange

The vast majority of viruses are in .exe/.scr/etc form, which MIMEDefang
removes.  The few that are not are (mostly) caught by the Norton Antivirus
server.  Exchange is thus pretty well protected.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fred Felgenhauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: [Mimedefang] Check extensions beforer virus scan
> I am having trouble figuring out how to check for bad 
> extensions BEFORE
> doing a virus scan (sweep). I am trying to bounce because of 
> Fred
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