> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelson Vibber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 11:57 AM
> Subject: [Mimedefang] Anyone else having problems with Clamd 0.65?

I did, primarily with "freshclam" updates.  I doubt however personally yours
have anything to do with my problem other than the same version.  I had
upgraded our squid setup to use more current filtering ala squidGuard, when
that change broke freshclam being able to transproxy through it. The error
would follow that it could not read MD5 from main.cvd and fail.  Some how
that corrupted my local .cdv's and then MD went nuts this morning with
quarantining SCO due to bad file types.  Fortunately, I have another AV
system on the workstations that caught the few that slipped in before the
attacks on SCO started to get hard.  


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