I personally have chosen not to use all of the various RBLs that SpamAssassin uses by default and have instead just enabled RCVD_IN_SBL[1], HABEAS_VIOLATOR[2], RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK[3] and created my own RBL rules to access SpamHaus' XBL list[4].

What I wound up doing was just looking through the SpamAssassin file
20_dnsbl_tests.cf and seeing what the various tests were. I then looked
around at the URLs mentioned in the comments to get a feel for how each
of the lists was run. In particular I was interested in the philosophy
of how things got added and removed from the lists and how well they
were technically set-up.

I then decided on the lists mentioned above as they met my criteria.
You might wish to do something similar.  By only using a select group of
RBLs I figure I'm saving time (not having to query so many lists),
keeping inbound delays to a minimum and reducing the chance of false


Thanks much for your time & wisdom. This is a disciplined way to use the RBLs, as opposed to blindly using all that show up in the SpamAssassin rules. I'll definitely do some exploring & trying out the various services to see which we want to use. In the meantime, shortening those delay limits will definitely help us protect our performance if any of them has problems.


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