On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 14:17:23 -0700, Shawn Button wrote:

>  We have a few Outlook clients across Outlook 2000 and 2003 that
>  basically choke and timeout when popping into the server.

What anti-virus software are they using? Lots of antivirus sofwtares can cause 
timeouts when retrieving mail.

>  just hangs. Either the client receives a message stating the
>  password is incorrect

Never believe Lookout when it says the password is incorrect. It just says so when it 
fails at login whatever the actual error/problem was. Actually, never believe *any* 
error messages Lookout shows in popups.

>  server from the users account and access mail) or it keeps
>  delivering over an over again the same messages until it gets to
>  the message it chokes on.

>  I have deleted the tmp lock files, killed off the ipop3d processes
>  that appear to hang, restarted sendmail and mimedefang, deleted

The pop processes in the server really should tiomeout after a while without you 
having to kill them. How long have you waited for them to die?

>  I do have an e-mail that I created with a couple xls attachments

Jonas Eckerman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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