Well I'm stumped.

Using freebsd, upgraded clamav this morning to grab the latest version and
just noticed a while ago that viruses are getting through.

clamd is running, mimedefang will complain if I stop it.

I suspect a permission problem but I don't see where (and I'm a bit of a

Previously, I had run clamd as "mailnull", the same user that mimedefang
runs as. But the new startup script that got installed used the user
"clamav". So i left it at that and changed the mimedefang.pl to also look in
a different location for the clamd socket. That all seems fine because like
I said, if i disable clamd, mimedefang detects this and complains,
tempfailing messages.

i can run clamdscan from the command line and catch the eicar test but
sending eicar as an attachment (or in the body) doesn't get caught (and
neither do all the real virus's).

No errors reported by mimedefang or clamd, it just looks like md isn't
giving clamd anything to do..

Help please?


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