> I have been getting messages like this in my syslog:
>> Feb 24 14:06:10 hostname sm-mta[1512]: [ID 801593 mail.info]
>>      i1OM3HKq001512: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:02:53, pri=20758560,
>> stat=Please try again later
> It appears to only be on messages that are 10MB or larger. Is
> sendmail timing out waiting for a response from a mimdefang child
> perhaps? Is there a way I could prevent mimedefang from examining
> messages this large?

Have you customized your filter?  The example that comes with the
distribution only calls SpamAssassin if the message is 100KB or less.  I
would suggest that you verify that this hasn't been changed.  Also, if you
have any custom checks in your filter that open a file handle on INPUTMSG,
make sure they also check to see that INPUTMSG is less than or equal to
100KB, like this:

if (-s './INPUTMSG' <= 100*1024) {
  #Do custom check here

Once I had a custom check I was doing that scanned INPUTMSG and I forgot to
limit it in this way.  When a large message would come in the MD slave would
timeout and the message would tempfail.  Once I put these limit checks in
the problem disappeared.

Michael Sims
Project Analyst - Information Technology
Crye-Leike Realtors
Office: (901)758-5648  Pager: (901)769-3722

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