On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

> Checking my logs I found the following entry and would like to know what
> would trigger this:

> stat=Deferred: 451 4.3.0 Message held for human verification before
> permitting delivery.  For help, quote incident id 10611.

That would be the CanIt-PRO installation on my machine.  If something looks
like spam, we tempfail it until a person glances it over.  I just
went in and approved the incident; when your server retries, it should
get through.

The problem was your signature.  Here's my Bayes analysis:

Word: wealth (0.990)
Word: men (0.990)
Word: ratio (0.990)
Word: Within (0.990)
Word: CANNOT (0.990)
Word: dreams (0.990)
Word: thousand (0.918)
Word: deal (0.848)
Word: someone (0.231)
Word: often (0.210)
Word: using (0.203)
Word: files (0.189)
Word: User (0.189)
Word: spam (0.047)
Word: archives (0.010)
Combined probability = 0.9999
Score of 10 points due to statistical analysis



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