sendmail settings.
set dns entry so relay has lower mx mail record then internal machine.

then set machine to relay based on mx.

then set mailertable settings.
#domain to accept mail for and mailserver
#don't consult dns to determine how to relay                 esmtp:[]

then set bounce
define(`confDOUBLE_BOUNCE_ADDRESS', `root')

then set to keep addresses that are in + format.
dnl keeps the + and does not expand alias

My other advice is this.
If it is the only incoming mail relay, I would verify thus.
Have a slower secondary mx backup mail server.

Make sure management/users are notified of what attachmeents you will
block and subject/content mungting you will do based on spamassassin.

In my relay configuration I don't modify ANY subjects or content, I just add
x-headers and let clients handle. Becasuse we also have internal spam
programs that would not work correctly if the content was changed.

Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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