On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> OK, as stupid as it may sound, I typically am on the leading edge for
> receiving viruses but I have no idea how to submit them to anyone.  Does
> anyone know the fastest, easiest way for a legit technical person to submit
> a virus email?
> As a note, the new Bagle.H is detected by Symantec 3/1/04 rev22 defs but
> McAfee with 4330 dat does NOT detect it.  I *had* to download the Daily Dat
> (Beta) from
> http://download.nai.com/products/mcafee-avert/daily_dats/DAILYDAT.ZIP.

This is an OT followup, but it may be relevant to this issue.  We found
that NAI's uvscan did not correctly detect a recent Netsky variant until
after we upgraded our scan engine from v4.1.60 (?) to  v4.3.20.  This was
uvscan on Solaris.

Lew Lefton

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