On Tuesday, March 09, 2004 11:05 PM, Rob <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> alleged:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>> Behalf Of Wesley Peters
>> man mount_mfs:
>>      -p permissions
> <---SNIP--->
>>      -w user:group
> <---SNIP--->
>> These can be specified along with the rest of the mount options.  You
>> have to do it this way, since memory disks evaporate during shutdown,
>> there isn't anywhere else to record ownership and permissions. (*)
> However, if you read the full man page you'll discover that under 5.x you
> can't put these options in 5.x.  I know, I tried.  For legacy support
> (hah) 
> 5.x doesn't support these.
> I suspect the only answer is to raise a PR, but given the claim of legacy
> support I don't hold out much hope :(

You're right, when called as 'mount_mfs' it refuses to recognize -w
or -p.  Until somebody does something to replace it, mount_mfs needs 
to stay functional.  If you file a PR, I'll fix it.  How's that for 

        -- Wes (aka [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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