> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Chris Cameron
> I'm planning to run MIMEDefang to strip certain attachments and for
> running SpamAssassin. In addition to this I have an AntiVirus with its
> own milter.
> Performance wise, would I be better off to run my AntiVirus through
> MIMEDefang, or to just use two milters?

Some time back I looked at this, running MD and AMAVIS on the same box.
Moving all the virus scanners to MD did result in a slight performance boost
over running them from AMAVIS and calling SpamAssassin from MD.

Mind you, I get relatively little email (200-300 mails a day) on fairly low
end hardware (512 MB RAM, 1 GHz Celeron).  YMMV.

PLEASE - keep list traffic on the list.  Email sent directly to me may be
ignored utterly.

Rob | What part of "no" was it you didn't understand? 
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