David F. Skoll wrote:
Both of these can be done by setting up an "archive" account that uses procmail
or something similar to do the archiving.  Then it's just a matter of:

        if (the_right_conditions_are_met()) {
                add_recipient('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

This was an issue at my place of work so this is how I got around it:

# archive messages from domain.com
* FROM ?? domain.com
  :0 c

# archive messages to domain.com
* TO ?? domain.com
  :0 c

This will break out the archive to each employee on each day. Every night I compress and gpg encrypt the messages. If something happens and someone needs to read some mail they must request the messages from one person and the public key from another. This keeps people from spying and insures a legit reason when looking though email.

David, not only is this legal in the US, but after Enron, the courts encourage it!! Pretty lame if you ask me, but such is life.

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