Lucas Albers wrote:

What version of perl are you running?

5.8.0, the version that ships with RHEL 3.

Look at the shared memory, it will indicate that each slave is sharing 2/3
of it's memory with the master.
Like such:
defang     9   0 31992  31M 19972 S     0.0  6.3   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang     9   0 31040  30M 20600 S     0.0  6.1   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang     9   0 30220  29M 29740 S     0.0  5.9   0:00 mimedefang-mult
defang     9   0 30212  29M 29732 S     0.0  5.9   0:09 mimedefang-mult
defang     9   0  1632 1628  1408 S     0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang     4   0  1632 1628  1408 S     0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang     9   0  1632 1628  1408 S     0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang
defang     9   0  1632 1628  1408 S     0.0  0.3   0:00 mimedefang

See the number after 31m that is 20m or so?
You can see te 3rd and 4th slave aren't using any extra memory, they are
sharing all from the parent.

That's what I was looking at. The 5th column for the mimedefang-multiplexors was only 3m or so, the same as it is when I have embedded Perl disabled.

You need to specifically enable the embedded option with the -E switch on
the multiplexor startup script.

I'm using the provided init script for Red Hat, so I can set the appropriate option in /etc/sysconfig/mimedefang to make the init script pass the -E option.

I've confirmed that ps lists the children as "mimedefang-multiplexor" rather than "perl", which should mean that embedded Perl is enabled.

Josh Kelley
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