This started happening this afternoon, after I changed
mimedefang-filter. When the slaves started dying, I reverted my changes,
and restarted, but the problem persisted. I've tried running with the
stock suggested-minimum-filter-for-windows-clients filter, same problem.

The multiplexor will start the two slaves, which will then use all the
CPU available like so:

CPU states: 95.0% user,  0.0% nice,  3.1% system,  1.9% interrupt,  0.0%
Mem: 78M Active, 59M Inact, 30M Wired, 376K Cache, 48M Buf, 205M Free
Swap: 512M Total, 512M Free

 9910 mailnull       53   0 26120K 25768K RUN      0:06 52.12% 22.07%
 9921 mailnull       53   0 15476K 15096K RUN      0:04 48.24% 15.92%

They'll run like that for a minute, then get die:

Mar 28 23:00:46 media mimedefang-multiplexor: started; minSlaves=2,
maxSlaves=10, maxRequests=500, maxIdleTime=300, busyTimeout=600,
Mar 28 23:00:46 media mimedefang-multiplexor: Starting slave 0 (pid
9910) (1 running): Bringing slaves up to minSlaves (2)
Mar 28 23:00:47 media mimedefang[9920]: Multiplexor alive - entering
main loop
Mar 28 23:00:49 media mimedefang-multiplexor: Starting slave 1 (pid
9921) (2 running): Bringing slaves up to minSlaves (2)
Mar 28 23:01:06 media mimedefang-multiplexor: Slave 0 stderr: Out of
Mar 28 23:01:06 media mimedefang-multiplexor: Reap: Idle slave 0 (pid
9910) exited normally with status 1 (SLAVE DIED UNEXPECTEDLY)
Mar 28 23:01:06 media mimedefang-multiplexor: Slave 0 resource usage:
req=0, scans=0, user=10.142, sys=0.557, nswap=0, majflt=0, minflt=14691,
maxrss=31840, bi=0, bo=0
Mar 28 23:01:08 media mimedefang-multiplexor: Slave 1 stderr: Out of
Mar 28 23:01:08 media mimedefang-multiplexor: Reap: Idle slave 1 (pid
9921) exited normally with status 1 (SLAVE DIED UNEXPECTEDLY)
Mar 28 23:01:08 media mimedefang-multiplexor: Slave 1 resource usage:
req=0, scans=0, user=10.155, sys=0.473, nswap=0, majflt=0, minflt=14691,
maxrss=31840, bi=0, bo=0

The multiplexor will then restart them and the cycle will continue
indefintely. There's no mail coming into the system, nothing queued
(mailq reports empty). Is there a way to see what they're trying to do?
This is using perl from ports, and as far as I can see, the right
version is getting hit:

media# ls -l `which perl`
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  19 Feb 24 15:32 /usr/bin/perl ->

media# /usr/local/bin/perl -v

This is perl, v5.6.1 built for i386-freebsd

This is under freebsd 4.7, perl 5.6.1, mimedefang 2.41:

Archive::Zip                  : yes
HTML::Parser                  : yes
HTML::TokeParser              : yes
Path:CONFDIR                  : yes (/usr/local/etc/mimedefang)
Path:QUARANTINEDIR            : yes (/var/spool/MD-Quarantine)
Path:SENDMAIL                 : yes (/usr/sbin/sendmail)
Path:SPOOLDIR                 : yes (/var/spool/MIMEDefang)
SpamAssassin                  : yes
Virus:CLAMAV                  : yes (/usr/local/bin/clamscan)
Virus:CLAMD                   : yes (/usr/local/sbin/clamd)
File::Scan                    : no
HTMLCleaner                   : no
Unix::Syslog                  : no
Virus:AVP                     : no
Virus:AVP5                    : no
Virus:BDC                     : no
Virus:FPROT                   : no
Virus:FPROTD                  : no
Virus:FSAV                    : no
Virus:FileScan                : no
Virus:HBEDV                   : no
Virus:NAI                     : no
Virus:NVCC                    : no
Virus:OpenAV                  : no
Virus:SOPHIE                  : no
Virus:SOPHOS                  : no
Virus:SymantecCSS             : no
Virus:TREND                   : no
Virus:TROPHIE                 : no
Virus:VEXIRA                  : no

Anomy::HTMLCleaner            : missing
Archive::Zip                  : Version 1.10
Digest::SHA1                  : Version 2.07
File::Scan                    : missing
HTML::Parser                  : Version 3.35
HTML::TokeParser              : Version 2.28
IO::Socket                    : Version 1.26
IO::Stringy                   : Version 2.108
MIME::Base64                  : Version 3.00
MIME::Tools                   : Version 5.411
MIME::Words                   : Version 5.404
Mail::Mailer                  : Version 1.60
Mail::SpamAssassin            : Version 2.63
Unix::Syslog                  : Version 0.100

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