> Do all these rules have pretty much the same value?
> Can they be combined into single rules that match on multiple strings?
> Just quadruple your timeouts and see if it can handle all those rules.


The script produces descrete rawbody rules for each line of text in the
input file.  As for point-value, I am originally setting everything to a
point value of zero.  My intent was to observe the performance impact of
such a huge set of rules, without (yet) letting the rules otherwise
influence the message in any way.  Once we knew how "expensive" the rules
were, the intent was to score them high enough to reject the message (since
that's what they do on the Exchange boxes internal to my organization).

If the input file looks like this:

line one
line two
line three

The resulting rules look like this:

rawbody  LOCAL_EMGR_STRING_1 /line one/i
describe LOCAL_EMGR_STRING_1 Unacceptable word or phrase
score    LOCAL_EMGR_STRING_1 0

rawbody  LOCAL_EMGR_STRING_2 /line two/i
describe LOCAL_EMGR_STRING_2 Unacceptable word or phrase
score    LOCAL_EMGR_STRING_2 0

rawbody  LOCAL_EMGR_STRING_3 /line 4/i
describe LOCAL_EMGR_STRING_3 Unacceptable word or phrase
score    LOCAL_EMGR_STRING_3 0

Each line of text in the input file represents a string or phrase that on
the Exchange servers, is considered evil enough to cause message rejections.
There is no pattern or other relationship between the lines of input...
they're just a list of dirty words, phrases, and other no-no patterns.

Sr. UNIX Systems Analyst,
    Open Systems Group
Sr. Software Analyst,
    TSG Midrange Systems Group
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