As you will probably find out if you read this email I am new to setting up MD. I'm looking for some help to get this configured and running but want to do it the 'right' way from the outset.

We have a small company of <10 employees all using Outlook express for reading mail. The mail server is a linux Fedora FC1 machine that is visible to the internet and sendmail has been configured so that ONLY my 10 users can use it as a relay. All of that is working perfectly.

Now I want to setup MD to filter spam and scan for virus files. I have installed spamassassin and clamav and tested them independently and they are both working. I have also compiled MD and it compiled/installed with no problems.

From what I read all of the work for MD is done via the script. I am pretty good with perl so I know what is going on but the length of the script is a little overwhelming to start with.

Can someone give me some pointers for how to accomplish the following:
1 - Scan incoming mail for virus using clam and if found redirect the email to another account called [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of the original recipient? If a virus is not found then add a header to state that the message was scanned and found to be clean.

2 - Scan incoming messages for spam using site-wide bayes autolearning and auto_whitelisting? If spam is found go ahead and deliver the email but change the prepend subject to include '***SPAM***' and include a header showing the SA results. If the message is not spam then add a header to show the SA results.

Are there any other highly suggested tests that need to be run against incoming mail that others are using?

Mike Campbell

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