> Simply use the "mailstats" command.  It will give you output that you

Thank you for an answer.
I've tried your method, but it's not i really need. Mailstats output is very
lack of information:

Statistics from Thu Apr 15 12:49:43 2004
 M   msgsfr  bytes_from   msgsto    bytes_to  msgsrej msgsdis  Mailer
 3        0          0K        5         20K        0       0  local
 5        4         19K        0          0K        0       0  esmtp
 T        4         19K        5         20K        0       0
 C        6                    2                    0

I need to know mail traffic for each user exactly.

Egor Mockvichev

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      • ... Egor Moskvichev
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      • ... Egor Moskvichev

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