On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 09:29:04PM -0500, David F. Skoll wrote:
> > Let's say you send a message with an attachment a.zip en b.zip and a.zip
> > contains a virus and b.zip not.
> > Calling aveclient with multiple files or in this case with a * returns only
> > the scan return code of the last MIME part scanned.
> Wow.  aveclient is badly broken, then; I recommend switching to a different
> virus scanner.  Otherwise, you'll have to call entity_contains_virus
> for each part, and that's a waste of time.

I have also the same problem with aveclient, but if I save the 2
messages with different order of attachment in 2 mbox files, and than
I scan it manually with aveclient, then aveclient says the same virus warning
and I get the right return code 4 from both emails. so I think aveclient
is working ok.


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