On Sat, 24 Apr 2004, Les Mikesell wrote:

> Would you have a lot of unnecessary overhead if, instead of
> writing your own multiplexing and embedded perl, you ran
> a stock apache/mod_perl or fastcgi and a really simple
> front end that dispatches the jobs via http requests?

I have no idea, and I have no inclination to find out. :-)

> It would add some software dependencies, but all things
> that are well tested, packaged in distributions, and
> already understood by system administrators.

apache + mod_perl is a very fragile thing, IMO.  There are lots of
things still broken in apache2's mod_perl.

> You would also inherit a framework for web status checking and
> administration.

We already have that in our commercial product using the multiplexor
control socket and other means, so it's already doable.


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