Dumb question, but where, now, is the HELO argument accessible?

With this change, my filter_relay will no longer function... what would be the recommended alternative?

sub filter_relay () {
  my($hostip, $hostname, $helo) = @_;

# Can't be "wesmo.com" unless it's one of our IP's.
if ($helo =~ /(^|.)mydomain\.com$/i)
if ($hostip ne "" and $hostip ne "$myserverIP")
syslog('info', "Host $hostip said HELO $helo");
return(0, "Go away. $hostip is not a mydomain.com machine");
# The hostname better match the helo string.
if (($helo =~ /^(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})(.)(\d{1,3})$/) && ($hostip ne $helo))
syslog('info', "Host $hostip claims to be $helo");
return (0, "Header forgery attempt, $ip claims to be $helo")
return (1, "OK");


        * mimedefang.pl.in: If resending a message fails during streaming,
        we bounce the message and log an error at LOG_CRIT importance.

        * Modified C and Perl code so that filter_relay is called
        when remote client connects rather than after MAIL FROM.
        This means the $helo argument is NOT available!


        filter_relay no longer has access to the HELO argument, nor
        does the MIMEDefang spool directory exist when filter_relay is called.

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