I recently came across the specification for valid AOL addresses.  It's 
simple, and easy to put into a regexp.  It's only blocked 8 messages in the 
last few hours since I went from logging to rejecting, but that's 8 messages 
that didn't need to be scanned for viruses or spam.

In case anyone else might find it useful, here's an abbreviated version of my 

sub filter_sender ($$$$) {
        my ($sender, $ip, $name, $helo) = @_;
        $sender =~ s/.*\<//;
        $sender =~ s/\>.*//;
        $sender = lc($sender);

        # Check for bogus AOL addresses as described at
        # http://postmaster.aol.com/faq/mailerfaq.html#syntax
        # - all alphanumeric, starting with a letter, from 3 to 16 characters long.
        if ($sender =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i && $sender ne '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
                && $sender !~ /^[a-z][a-z0-9]{2,[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i) {
                return ('REJECT', 'Forged AOL address detected.');
                #md_syslog 'info', "$QueueID: Forged AOL address detected.";

        return ('CONTINUE', 'ok');

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications, <www.speed.net>
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