Recently upgraded to MD 2.41 from 2.27.

This section of the man page caught my eye.
    By default, MIMEDefang tries to pass SpamAssassin a message that
    looks exactly like one it  would  receive  via  procmail.   This
    means  adding  a Received: header, adding a Message-ID header if
    necessary, and adding a Return-Path: header.  If you set $AddAp-
    parentlyToForSpamAssassin  to  1,  then  MIMEDefang also adds an
    Apparently-To: header with all the  envelope  recipients  before
    passing  the  message  to  SpamAssassin.  This lets SpamAssassin
    detect possibly whitelisted recipient addresses.

    The default value for $AddApparentlyToForSpamAssassin is 0.

I had custom SA rules to check for the non-existance of the Received header 
or the Message-ID header which I found to be fairly effective in helping
direct to MX spam.

header ECC_MSGID_MISSING Message-Id =~ /^UNSET$/ [if-unset: UNSET]

header ECC_RCVD_MISSING Received =~ /^UNSET$/ [if-unset: UNSET]

Obviously, these don't work now.

The man page states "By default" these headers are added, which
would imply that this is optional.  Is there a way to turn this back off?

If this can't be turned off, is there an example of what these headers would
look like - so that I can make rules to look for them?

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