--- Michael Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Masters wrote:
> > I've just tested the embedded perl option and they
> > don't seem to be functioning properly. The first
> > module (Net::LDAP) that gets used doesn't function
> > properly (cannot establish connections).
> >
> > If I change back to normal [non-embedded] mode
> it's
> > fine.
> >
> > Are there any issues with using perl modules when
> > mimedefang runs in embedded mode?

> If you are creating a new instance of the Net::LDAP
> object directly in your filter
> file (outside of any subroutine), then try creating
> the filter_initialize sub moving
> that initialization inside it.

Hmmm. I initialise all connection handles in a
getConnection function that checks the connection and
opens one if necessary (because there never used to be
a filter_initialize function and it's very resilient).

Any other reasons?

Thanks for your response Michael.

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